Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself? Maybe something that would surprise us :)
***Kim's answers will be in blue***
My name is Kimberly Ogden. I am 35 years old and I have 11 children. I lost my late husband to Covid in 2021 and we have 1 awesome son. I’ve since then been blessed to find my current husband who gave me 10 more amazing kiddos and a lifestyle that keeps me busy and never leaves me bored. I love tacos and cooking for my family. My favorite color is green. I love worship music and reading a good book. I always try to see the good in everything life throws at me and am so grateful for the lessons I learn, even when they hurt.
***Julen's answers will be in red***
I am 17, I’m the second oldest out of 11 children. After my mom passed away in
November 2021 I moved with my family from Canada to Texas where my dad
remarried and we began to build our new life and tried to recreate a sense of
***Nick's answers will be in green***
I am 44 years old, I have 11 children and I have lived in Canada since my family moved there when I was 8 years old. I moved back to the United States in June of 2022. Bringing 9 of my children with me. My wife of 21 years and mother of my 10 children died due to Covid in the fall of 2021. Shortly after I met my current wife, Kimberly.
How long have you been a Behemoth member and how did you hear about us?
I started with behemoth in 2018 doing the transformation challenge and loved working out until Covid hit and we couldn’t meet. Then we left for awhile and i came back over 6 months ago. My late husband wanted to get into fitness and really liked the CrossFit style. So we googled up places close to the house we had at the time and found behemoth. Then shortly after, I saw a Facebook post about the transformation challenge and we went to try it and loved it.
I’ve been a member at Behemoth since June 2022, my step mom had already been a member.
I have been a member since June 2022. My wife Kimberly was already a member.
How has being apart of Behemoth impacted your life?
Behemoth has definitely helped me with self discipline not only in driving 20 minutes to and from the gym 3 times a week. But it has also helped me have the energy and strength to handle all the other tasks and responsibilities I have every day. In the gym, I am so much stronger over all and back to a weight I haven’t been in over 13 years. I also have more confidence in my body and what I am capable of doing.
I’ve always struggled with my physical appearance and being apart of Behemoth has made such an impact in that! I am now stronger both physically and mentally, and I am more confident in my body. My greatest accomplishment I think is really overall just pushing myself and becoming better for me!
I feel as though my proudest accomplishment since joining is simply the consistency of attending. It has been hard to make attendance a priority when there are so many important things in my life that are competing for my time. When looking at my schedule it has been tempting to cut back going to the gym when life is demanding more of me in different areas.
Talk a little bit about your journey, who were you or what were you struggling with before starting with Behemoth and who are you now since being a part of this gym culture and community?
Before behemoth, I had gotten into a rut with eating and life and I had become the heaviest I’ve ever been. I was so frustrated, stressed and constantly telling myself that I needed to start working out and doing better. However, I kept letting excuses get in the way. My back and knees were always hurting and I was tired all the time. Once I found behemoth, I realized the type of fitness I needed. Since starting, I’ve been and felt the strongest and healthiest version of myself and I am looking forward to what my life will look like continuing on this path.
My mom always struggled with being overweight, and growing up with seeing that I adopted the same insecurities. Before Behemoth I didn’t feel like I had the tools to change that, but then I started going consistently to the gym and things began to change in ways I only dreamed about.
I have always worked a physical job using lots of upper body and burning calories all day. Once my wife died I became a “stay at home dad” and knew I would never burn as much home schooling my children and if I didn’t want to become out of shape I would have to keep moving. I was thrilled when Behemoth came in to my life to answer the call. One of my biggest struggles has been learning proper technique and muscle movements. Years of bad habits have made themselves evident and I am so thankful to coaches Aja, Aryan and Trevor for all of their help and support since I have started.
What is your favorite part about Behemoth and what keeps you coming back?
I love the accountability the coaches provide. I love working out in a group and the motivation and encouragement it gives me to do my best. I also love how relatable the workouts are to my daily life.
My favourite part about Behemoth is the community and sense of family that it has. People at Behemoth are encouraging and they push you to go beyond your comfort zone.
I love working hard!! When we have a tough work out ahead of us I love putting my head down and going at my best to get it done.
What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone just starting out with Behemoth or maybe hesitant in starting out?
Don’t let the excuses get in the way. For example: I’m too old for that, I have back or knee problems, I don’t have time, or maybe it’s expensive. I’ve used more than one of those plenty of times. But after my husband died, I wanted to make my health a priority not only for me but my son and my current family. It’s not easy and yes financially I have to rearrange some things but It has been the best thing for me and my family.
You’re not going to see the progress you want right away, and you might have to work on breaking habits that have developed over time. But you just have to stay consistent, get out of your comfort zone, and push yourself.
Something I would encourage a new member is to communicate with the coaches. All of the coaches are very knowledgeable, easy to approach and eager to see clients meet goals.

Behemoth Mad Lib
1. My hidden talent is? ***Kim is in Blue*** ***Julen is in Red*** ***Nick is in Green*** 2. My favorite movement at BGYM is? Handstands, deadlifts, and farmers carry Push ups or power cleans Land mine work and dead lifts. 3. #Breakfastcrew, #Brunchcrew, or #Cocktail crew? #Brunchcrew #Brunchcrew #Brunchcrew 4. I have yet to, but have always wanted to? Explore another country Beat my older brother in an arm wrestle I really can’t wait to out run my 14 year old son. 5. When I’m not working on my fitness at BGYM, I like to? Spend time with my husband and family I love to do digital design and hang out with friends I enjoy spending time with my wife and children. 6. I would love to see Coach ________ do ___________? Aja or Aryan do their max deadlift I wanna see coach Trevor and coach Aja race
I would love to see coach Aja and Aryan arm wrestle. 7. Beast mode engaged when this song comes on during my workout? Not sure I have a favorite but rock music usually helps me push my hardest. Thunderstruck from AC/DC
Lol I don’t really have a favorite song but I do enjoy some old Metallica.
I’ve been told I’m decent at singing
I enjoy playing guitar and I love to sing show tunes although I can’t sing.