Behemoth Gym Member Profile
Here at Behemoth Gym we love to showcase out Cypress, TX Gym Members!
Today we're talking to member Matt D who is a great and loyal member of our gym!
Matt D.
Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself or something that would surprise us.
Born and raised Houstonian with a passion for Christ, IT and trying new things

How long have you been a Behemoth member and how did you hear about us?
I actually stumbled upon this gym while looking into the MMA place next door

Definitely I’m in the greatest shape of my life since Highschool, if not ever. Its the little things, I notice how easy it is for me to move and get up and pick up things on the floor
How has being a part of Behemoth impacted your life? What are some of your proudest accomplishments since starting with us?
Definitely I’m in the greatest shape of my life since Highschool, if not ever. Its the little things, I notice how easy it is for me to move and get up and pick up things on the floor
Talk a little bit about your journey, who were you or what were you struggling with before starting with Behemoth and who are you now since being apart of this gym culture and community?
At the time I was working out at the YMCA, and it was rather routine then, but now however my workouts are so much more varied and I train things, like my balance and flexibility, that I never trained previously
What is your favorite part about Behemoth and what keeps you coming back?
The diverse and varied workouts which ensure that every part of my body is worked on and addressed
What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone just starting out with Behemoth or maybe hesitant in starting out?
Just stick with it, move at a pace you’re comfortable with, and you’ll learn to enjoy it

“3, 2, 1…Go” Mad Lib section
My hidden talent is? Lockpicking
My favorite movement at BGYM is? Power clean
#Breakfastcrew, #Brunchcrew, or #Cocktail crew? #CocktailCrew
I have yet to, but have always wanted to? Get involved in shooting, three-gun, etc. competitions
When I’m not working on my fitness at BGYM, I like to? Read
I would love to see Coach___ do ___? The G.O.A.T - Oliver Heldens
Beast mode engaged when this song comes on during my workout? It’s rock and roll all the way. Hard to pick just one. The Who - Baba O'Reilly I get goosebumps on the back of the neck with just the organ intro to that song and it charges as the song builds al the way to frenetic violin playing that closes it out. Great baseline by Entwistle in that song.