Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself? Maybe something that would surprise us :)
Howdy! I am a wife, mom of a college student, educator, Aggie, twin, and native Texan. I grew up in North Texas as the youngest of 4 (my twin beat me by 8 minutes), and the 4 of us were all born within 3.5 years of each other. This meant we were close as siblings, but also SUPER competitive. My twin sister and I were competitive gymnasts, but we are also the biggest nerds. I LOVE to learn new things! I am a scientist by training, so I enjoy reading about new research and the amazing things people are discovering or creating. I gobble up reading about historical events and learning about our past. I like to try new ways of being creative, including art and dance.How long have you been a Behemoth member and how did you hear about us?
I have been a member since the week after Thanksgiving in 2020. A close family friend is a member at Behemoth and told us about it. When the hubs and I were driving home from Thanksgiving after visiting family, I mentioned to him that I was feeling weak, and generally lethargic. We talked about options since many gyms had severe restrictions or were closed due to COVID. We decided maybe I would give Behemoth a try, called Aryan as we were driving, and the rest is history.What are some of your proudest accomplishments since starting with us? (this can be physical, mental, emotional, don’t just think inside the gym, this can be anything you truly feel great about!)
I feel strong again! I have an amazing support system around me including family, friends, church, work, and the gym, but if you know me, you know that I have a need to be capable of getting things done. This includes projects and activities that require me to be physically strong. I don’t like to wait or to be dependent on others to do things for me because I physically can’t lift or move an object that I should be capable of moving. Since joining Behemoth, I have gained that strength back and am generally so much more confident in my abilities with physical movement. I went from struggling to lift a small box of books to being able to deadlift over 200 lbs. I can do pull ups again, and I know how to use weights safely for my body. I can snow ski all day again and not feel the intense burn in my thighs that I used to have after just a few runs. The biggest accomplishment is simply feeling confident and capable in the movement of my body and being consistent.Talk a little bit about your journey, who were you or what were you struggling with before starting with Behemoth and who are you now since being a part of this gym culture and community?
Growing up as a gymnast and continuing the sport into college, I was accustomed to being strong and capable in movement. Our family is an active one that has done many physical sports and activities over the years including triathlons, hiking, skiing, etc. these active things we have done over the years have mostly been cardio based, not strength, and I was feeling very weak as I entered the last half of my 30s. I could run for long amounts of time, but things that used to be easy for me to pick up were now difficult, and my muscles would burn with exhaustion after minimal strength use. After months of very limited physical movement due to COVID, I was very frustrated with how I felt and decided that I was going to try and do something about it. I have been a member of the large chain gyms for years, which have served their purpose, but it was easy for me to skip days or even weeks because none of the machines were asking where I was when I didn’t show up. This made progress slow or even non-existent due to lack of commitment. Accountability and consistency have been some of my greatest achievements at Behemoth. The coaches and community keep me coming back day after day, and week after week. I am missed when I am not in the gym and people are going to check in to see where I am if I am not there. I see the value in what is happening at Behemoth, and how it is helping me to be stronger mentally and physically and it keeps me coming back.What is your favorite part about Behemoth and what keeps you coming back?
The coaches, community, and dedication to safety is what keeps me coming back to Behemoth. As a former gymnast, I thrive when I have someone to encourage or push me to keep improving, or let me know I can do something I didn’t think I was capable of. I LOVE being coached and am thankful to have coaches again instead of working out by myself at an overcrowded gym. My gym peeps are also a huge motivating factor. At Behemoth we know and encourage one another no matter where we are on our journey. What made me choose Behemoth in the first place, and the reason I tell everyone about them is their strict dedication to safety. Before Behemoth, I visited a few CrossFit gyms where they allowed me to join their regular Saturday class without knowing a single thing about me, my abilities, past injuries, or even if I knew how to correctly do movements with weights. Coming from a background of movement and knowing that you need to be taught how to move, this really scared me. I wanted to get stronger, but I just hit my 38th birthday and I didn’t want to be injured all the time because I was being thrown into things I was not ready for. I also didn’t want to see it happen to other people. When I was told about Behemoth, I was told that I would need to do an introductory class first that focused on how to do all the movements we would do in the GPP classes safely. This was a breath of fresh air. Aryan called me before my first class and we discussed my history with physical movement, past injuries, my relationship with food, and what my goals were in joining Behemoth. When I showed up to my first class, it was obvious Aryan and Aja had discussed my needs and made a plan for me. This made me so much more comfortable with walking into the gym and giving this experience a go.What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone just starting out with Behemoth or maybe hesitant in starting out?
Talk to the coaches and let them know about your concerns. The coaches at Behemoth will give you the time and space to be heard and don’t ignore your needs. They will work with things you may be self-conscious about or concerned with and they do not make you feel bad for not knowing things. They are patient and very good at scaling movements to your individual needs.
Behemoth Mad Lib
1. My hidden talent is?
I love to make art! I paint, make things with acrylic (epoxy), draw, and make designer cakes.2. My favorite movement at BGYM is?
Ugh, this is a hard one because I like a challenge. The reality is that my favorite movement is a new movement to me. It helps to keep me engaged and on my toes.3. #Breakfastcrew, #Brunchcrew, or #Cocktail crew?
All of them! I am a regular with the 5:00 AM before breakfast crew, but if I can, love to catch the cocktail crew. On days where we don’t have school, I get to sleep in a little and hang with the Brunchcrew as well. Get me in the gym and I am a happy girl!4. I have yet to, but have always wanted to?
Be able to hold a strong handstand and tumble some again.5. When I’m not working on my fitness at BGYM, I like to?
Make art, read, be with family and friends, help out at church.6. I would love to see Coach ________ do ___________?
Jonathan do a backflip.7. Beast mode engaged when this song comes on during my workout?
Love the 80s rock, but honestly the coaches give me more motivation than the music does.