Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself? Maybe something that would surprise us :)
I’m Roland. A guy who always tring to stay in shape since a younger age with running, lifting weights, and boxing.How long have you been a Behemoth member and how did you hear about us?
I’ve been doing Behemoth for 2 years and got turned on to if from a golfing buddy named Miguel Luna.What are some of your proudest accomplishments since starting with us? (this can be physical, mental, emotional, don’t just think inside the gym, this can be anything you truly feel great about!)
Being a part of behemoth has impacted my family. They see me putting in the work to have a healthy lifestyle. My young kids wanting to workout with me is what makes me proud.Talk a little bit about your journey, who were you or what were you struggling with before starting with Behemoth and who are you now since being a part of this gym culture and community?
I’ve never had a coach with eyes on me consistently checking on technique and form while working out. My biggest fault in the past was when I’d see results I would stop and eventually quit for some time.What is your favorite part about Behemoth and what keeps you coming back?
The motivation and the know that I’m doing the workouts right is what keeps me coming back.What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone just starting out with Behemoth or maybe hesitant in starting out?
Sometimes you just have to invest some time for a healthy lifestyle.
Behemoth Mad Lib
1. My hidden talent is?
Fixing broken things.2. My favorite movement at BGYM is?
Dubbleunders.3. #Breakfastcrew, #Brunchcrew, or #Cocktail crew?
Brunchcrew4. I have yet to, but have always wanted to?
Muscleups5. When I’m not working on my fitness at BGYM, I like to?
Golf and out drive all my buddies6. I would love to see Coach ________ do ___________?
Expand the gym nation wide. More advertisements7. Beast mode engaged when this song comes on during my workout?
Lose Yourself