Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself or something that would surprise us.
Who am I? I hear I'm supposed to find myself in my 20s. I think I'm on track. Not where I'm going, but on my way. Born, raised in Oregon. Moved to Louisiana as a teen. Now in Texas and happy to be here. I wrote and edited short children's stories for several years. I'm currently marketing and branding for a local juice company and have my sights set on expanding my own writing via blog and podcast.
I am a writer, I've always known that. I am a mother to a three-year-old girl. We love playing in the sunshine and if she had her way we'd take home every animal we see. Even the bugs. And most of all, I am a lover of the people. A lover with a tough shell. I'm learning to crack, soften. I believe we are here on this Earth for a purpose. I absolutely believe in the power of connection. This life is precious. Feel the feels and love hard.
How long have you been a Behemoth member and how did you hear about us?
First, I heard about Birthfit through the Katy Birth Center. After going through the Birthfit program with Leah I wanted continued outside accountability to maintain movement. Transitioning into the GPP program was a natural fit. I joined Behemoth last summer during virtual workouts and never looked back.

How has being apart of Behemoth impacted your life? What are some of your proudest accomplishments since starting with us?
Behemoth has impacted my life by providing a constant I can return to over and over again. Much of my previous life was chaotic and without structure. Now, no matter what happens during my day, I know I can either begin or end it sweating out both my frustrations & hopes. Behemoth is the family I never knew I needed.
Since joining the Behemoth Fam, I have witnessed growth in my personal life. I'm learning to create boundaries, thinking more about the way my decisions impact others, giving myself grace, space and love, and growing in confidence.
Talk a little bit about your journey, who were you or what were you struggling with before starting with Behemoth and who are you now since being apart of this gym culture and community?
Joining Behemoth was my last-ditch effort to change the trajectory of my life. And the first action I did for myself after becoming a mother. Motherhood has been my refining fire. Greatest sorrow, greatest come-back story. A year ago I was heart-sick, lonely and just trying to keep my head above water.
I faced myself in the mirror and knew I was far from the example I wanted to be for myself and my child. How could I teach her to live authentically, without hiding behind someone's shadow, when I didn't even know what mine looked like? How could I teach her strength and worth when I wasn't showing up for myself?
I started attending the 5:30 AM class. Returning over and over, keeping a promise to myself. The results speak for themselves. BGYM has impacted not only my body but also my mind. I am more confident, more social, more sure of myself. I trust my intuition. I'm finding my voice.
Coach Aja often says "You are in control." For most of my life, I didn't feel in control. Now, I recognize I choose who and what I allow in my life. I choose, I have a choice. The gym is my landing pad to center and calibrate.
What is your favorite part about Behemoth and what keeps you coming back?
Favorite part? Probably when a booty-shaker song comes on and it triggers my second wind. Haha!
Also, I love the group experience. I like sweating together, cheering on a friend, yelling at myself to keep going.
Maybe my favorite part is all of it. Behemoth is a package deal, and I'm proud to be here.
What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone just starting out with Behemoth or maybe hesitant in starting out?
Jump. Take what feels like risk, because it will return as investment.

"3, 2, 1…Go" Mad Lib section
My hidden talent is... I read people. If I focus, I can feel their energy and sometimes their thoughts. (Cue mysterious music.)
#Breakfastcrew, #Brunchcrew, or #Cocktail crew... #BreakfastCrew is my forever OG but I crossed to the #CocktailCrew dark side. I actually like to sample them all.
I have yet to, but have always wanted to? Hang upside down from a pull-up bar. Just to do it.
When I'm not working on my fitness at BGYM, I like to? Drive road-trips by myself with windows down, music up, foot on the pedal! Explore my world.
I would love to see Coach___ do ___? I would love to see all the coaches choreograph gym movements to a song of their choice, together.
Beast mode engaged when this song comes on during my workout? Just one? I have a whole playlist. Born for This, Royal Deluxe.