Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself? Maybe something that would surprise us :)
I’m a born and raised Houstonian and proud Texan. I love almost every outdoor activity and Rodeo Houston is my favorite season! I strive to be a good human and personally think I’m an amazing wife, coolest tia and ride-or-die friend.How long have you been a Behemoth member and how did you hear about us?
I’ve been kickin’ it with the BGYM crew since 9/2020. Chris was telling me about this cool challenge Jess was going to start and I asked her if I could play too! I guess I should be a little less mean to him for bringing yall into my life, but NAH.How has being apart of Behemoth impacted your life? What are some of your proudest accomplishments since starting with us? (this can be physical, mental, emotional, don’t just think inside the gym, this can be anything you truly feel great about!)
I’ve struggled with anxiety my entire life and during various seasons of uncertainty, it’s taken a toll on my mental health. When starting Behemoth, the goal was to strengthen my mental fortitude and everything else was just extra. The clarity I have when leaving a workout is life-changing. Those one hour time slots are often times the hardest part of my day, so if I can CRUSH that workout, I can do anything. I genuinely feel mentally stronger to take on life’s challenges, and man, that’s a really good feeling.Talk a little bit about your journey, who were you or what were you struggling with before starting with Behemoth and who are you now since being a part of this gym culture and community?
Before BGYM, I went to other gyms and completed home workouts. Consistency and substance of the workouts were the biggest struggle. I never felt like I could get into a good groove that would produce long-term results. Having coaches that know your name, that genuinely care about your progress and that work hard to program workouts with your success in mind really changes the game. Never in my history have I ever thought twice about cancelling, but now I think to myself, “Brad’s gonna give me s***, I better get my butt outta bed.” That’s really an amazing thing!What is your favorite part about Behemoth and what keeps you coming back?
The expert coaching and comradery are second to none! The coaches know your strengths and opportunities and guide you in a way that is safe, effective and makes you feel like an absolute badass! The gym family you create along the way really just takes the experience to a new level. Even though I get some terrible nicknames outta the guys in #Beakfastcrew, I wouldn’t trade them for the world. Are you even family if you don’t encourage one another, then call each other funny/mean names?!What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone just starting out with Behemoth or maybe hesitant in starting out?
Embrace the discomfort! The work can be challenging, but once you step out of your comfort zone, the possibilities are endless! You absolutely won’t regret it!
Behemoth Mad Lib
1. My hidden talent is?
I have the memory of a dolphin (much to my husband’s dismay). I can remember every detail - where I was, what I was doing, and even what I was wearing!2. My favorite movement at BGYM is?
Power cleans!3. #Breakfastcrew, #Brunchcrew, or #Cocktail crew?
#Breakfastcrew, but #Cocktailcrew has a special place in my heart.4. I have yet to, but have always wanted to?
Run a half marathon! I’ve successfully conned Jess into the idea, now just need to put the idea into motion!5. When I’m not working on my fitness at BGYM, I like to?
Explore! Camping and hiking are my all-time favorite things to do in my spare time. I also love a good Whiskey River night 6. I would love to see Coach ________ do ___________?
I would love to see Coach Brad complete entire workout, while having to listen to pop country.7. Beast mode engaged when this song comes on during my workout?
Pepas - Farruko