Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself or something that would surprise us.
I have been blessed to have the opportunity to be a housewife and a stay at home mom to my 4 children. I am constantly on with go with attending all their extracurricular activities. A little fun fact about myself is that I served in the United States Air Force!! HOORAH!!!
How and when were you introduced to Behemoth?
Roughly 2 years ago, I was introduced to Behemoth by the lovely Roxanne. She was (and still is) the manager of the Wal-Mart and I was the manager of the bank inside Wal-Mart. At that time, Roxanne was a couple weeks into the 6 weeks challenge at the gym. I wanted to take my fitness to the next level and join her in the challenge but had to wait until the next one started. The rest is history! Thanks Rox for the introduction!
What are you most proud of, physically, mentally or both since beginning with us?
I would always watch the CrossFit Games and never believed that I was capable of lifting anything “heavy”. With the encouragement from the amazing coaches at Behemoth, they helped me realize that I am capable of pushing myself further than I have ever expected.
What has been your biggest, yet most rewarding obstacle to overcome, whether in the gym or on your health journey to date?
I was diagnosed with hashimotos and hypothyroidism 5years ago. I had to learn that those 2 diseases did not and would not drag me down. It has been an up and down roller coaster but I am determined to get better.
Why Behemoth?
Why not Behemoth?!?! The coaches genuinely care about your fitness. It makes working out that much more enjoyable.
What next? What are you excited about pursuing here in the future?
I look forward to joining the barbell class once I get through my back injury and the class resumes.
“3, 2, 1…Go” Mad Lib section
-My favorite lift (movement) is… deadlifts
-My most frequent class I come to is… 9:30 am but I like to visit the 6 pm crew from time to time
-I have always wanted to go… skydiving
-When I’m not crushing weights, my favorite thing to do is… to spend time with my family. I went from a family of 3 to family of 6. Never a dull moment in our household!
-If I could make ANY of the Behemoth coaches do 100 burpees it would be… Oh Lord!! So many to choose from. I know each one of you would love to do this buuut I’m gonna go with Coach Aja! He goes beast mode in the 9:30 class! Love ya Coach!
-Favorite “application of fitness” outside of the gym is… going on a good hike/run to explore what the good Lord has made.
-Favorite band/genre/Pandora station to workout to is… no other way but 90’s!
-Beast mode engaged when this song comes on… Stronger by Kanye West