Ron H.

Coach Aryan
August 27, 2021
Athlete Photo

Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself or something that would surprise us.

Ron Handley, I am 48 years old, originally from Ohio. As a child, my father was in the Air Force, so my family moved around every four years. I have lived in Texas since 1983 so I consider myself a Texan since I’ve been here longer than anywhere else. My beautiful wife Jeana and I have three boys, nine-year-old twins Jake and Dane and our seven-year-old, Grayson. As some of you know, I am a dentist. Terrifying to some, I am a pretty easy going guy. I’ve had had my own practice on Barker Cypress for over 15 years now.

How and when were you introduced to Behemoth?

I have always tried to involve myself in athletics since I was a kid. High school sports in the 80’s, intramural sports in dental school in the 90’s. Things started to slow down a little as I got into my career and family. I felt like I had tried just about every work out style out there, but boredom would soon sabotage my interest and I’d find myself on the couch again. As I got into my 40’s, I started getting into some injuries. Complete rotator cuff tear, sciatica, foot pain, etc. It was frustrating and I found myself really pushing into depression. I wanted to get involved into a program where I could focus on core strength and flexibility but was afraid of further injury. In the summer of 2016, my wife and I decided to give CrossFit a try. We toured a couple boxes that just seemed to throw you straight into it. When we stumbled into Behemoth it really was what I needed. Personalized instruction into movements that I really had no experience with. This allowed me to develop confidently at my own pace.

What are you most proud of, physically, mentally or both since beginning with us?

My flexibility really is something that has come a long way. I have always spent a lot of time stretching before and after workouts. But I’ve learned not only how to stretch for prevention but how to stretch when injury or soreness is coming.

What next? What are you excited about pursuing here in the future?

I feel like I’m just scratching the surface. Right now I’m focusing on just building my strength and continuing with my conditioning. I’m also really enjoying the community, the camaraderie and the fitness. I have a lot of fun up here.

Mad Lib

My favorite Lift (movement) is …

Really starting to enjoy the snatch.

My most frequent class I come to is…


I have always wanted to…

Grab a bar and rip off ten quick pull-ups.

When I’m not crushing weights, my favorite thing to do is….

Traveling with my wife and spending time with my family.

Favorite “application of fitness” outside of the gym is…

Still enjoy an occasional weekend 5K, especially when it’s sponsored by a brewery.

Favorite Pandora station….

Love lots of different heavier alternative rock, so I’ll go with Breaking Benjamin, Tool, AlterBridge, Pantera and any Chris Cornell.

Beast mode engaged when this song comes on…

So many to choose from….. how bout “Down with the Sickness”, Disturbed.

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