Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself? Maybe something that would surprise us :)
***Chris's answers will be in blue***
My name is Christopher Lam. I’m 30 years old and I’m a husband and father of two. Something that may surprise you is that as a night shifter, I’m perpetually tired. Even as I write this!
***Jess's answers will be in red***
Born and raised in Houston, still can't find my way around without Google maps though. I have 2 kids, one of which is about to graduate high school. I've been an officer with HPD for 12 years (where I met Chris) and for the last 4 years I've dedicated my career to investigating crimes against children.
How long have you been a Behemoth member and how did you hear about us?
I’ve been a Behemoth member about a year and two months. I initially heard about Behemoth through a friend of mine.
I've been coming to Behemoth since September 2020 and I’ve loved every minute. My hubby Chris hooked me up with the transformation challenge and I love him a little more for it.
How has being apart of Behemoth impacted your life?
After joining Behemoth, I’ve become physically and mentally resilient. I’m confident and healthy. I *usually* make healthier food choices thanks to the nutritional guidance I’ve received from Behemoth.
I feel stronger, I have more energy and getting in the head space of “wow I really just crushed that workout” helps me mentally prepare for whatever my day may bring. I also really like that it's something I can share with my kids. Sometimes they will join me when I'm working out and if I can introduce a little fitness into their lives that makes me happy.
Talk a little bit about your journey, who were you or what were you struggling with before starting with Behemoth and who are you now since being a part of this gym culture and community?
Before joining Behemoth, I was mildly athletic. I would do random workouts with no real direction or focus. After joining Behemoth, in addition to the obvious GAINZ, I now have a supportive group of swollmates who have similar goals in mind.
I used to go to a gym before I joined Behemoth but I would fumble around not really knowing what to do, I wasn’t any kind of consistent and I saw no results which made me unhappy. All of that changed when I joined Behemoth. I gain more confidence with every movement we take on. I don't dredge coming to the gym anymore. I really like the comradery of getting through a workout together with your gym mates and pushing each other to challenge ourselves. It's a cool thing that I've never had before.
What is your favorite part about Behemoth and what keeps you coming back?
My favorite part of Behemoth is definitely the people. Without the friends that I work out with on a routine basis or the expert coaching, I wouldn’t still be around.
I like that the workouts are never the same and the coaches know you enough that they know when they can nudge you to challenge yourself a bit more. I know when Aja says “how’s that weight feel”, he's about to suggest I bump it up lol.
What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone just starting out with Behemoth or maybe hesitant in starting out?
Just do it™️
First starting out was intimidating, but you just have to get through the workout and don't quit. You don't have to be a superstar, you just have to keep going and you build from there.

Behemoth Mad Lib
1. My hidden talent is? ***Chris is in Blue*** ***Jess is in Red*** 2. My favorite movement at BGYM is? Power Cleans I'm actually a big fan of the pistol squat, my legs aren't but I like them still. 3. #Breakfastcrew, #Brunchcrew, or #Cocktail crew? Breakfast crew!! #Breakfastcrew for life, gotta get my weekly dose of Scott Jones 4. I have yet to, but have always wanted to? Listen to Cardi B in the gym Apparently run a half marathon, gonna need prayers 5. When I’m not working on my fitness at BGYM, I like to? Spend time with my family. Spend time with Chris and the kiddos, we really like movie outings but we have our eyes on camping. We've done it once so we're pretty much experts. 6. I would love to see Coach ________ do ___________? Aja, a dance to any Cardi B song Coach Aryan do 100 handstand pushups 7. Beast mode engaged when this song comes on during my workout? WAP Boss B*tch by Doja Cat
I'm quite the party planner and all of my party ideas are ahead of their time.