Who are you? Tell us a little about yourself or something that would surprise us.
I’m originally from Panama City, Florida, but I have been in Houston for about 12 years now. A little-known fact is that I have a twin sister. She’s better looking and smarter than me...ha! Historically I was a road cyclist and marathon runner but started doing this style of training about 6 years ago after I started suffering from repetitive injuries.
How and when were you introduced to Behemoth?
About 3 years ago, I was at my previous CrossFit gym and one of the coaches kept telling me about this Aja Barto and Behemoth Gym…I Googled Aja and watched some YouTube videos and was intrigued with what I saw. Fortunately at that time there was an opening in the Olympic Lifting class and I was able to join with Coach Johnny…. I quickly saw how much attention and care they took with each member which ultimately lead to my decision to join the GPP group classes.
What are you most proud of, physically, mentally or both since beginning with us?
Learning the Olympic lifts. I’ve taken the Level 1 class twice and Level 2 once. Before these classes my Clean & Jerk and Snatch were dreadful. I would encourage anyone to take this specialty class if they get a chance.
What has been your biggest, yet most rewarding obstacle to overcome, whether in the gym or on your health journey to date?
Well I have a family history of heart related issues, so I am determined to beat the statistics through fitness and nutrition. I hope to be active for a very long time.
Why Behemoth?
Honestly, it’s the coaching and programming. The attention they take with each member is awesome. I’ve been to many similar gyms and Behemoth is the best.
What next? What are you excited about pursuing here in the future?
Keep getting stronger and increasing my fitness as much as possible.
“3, 2, 1…Go” Mad Lib section
-My favorite lift (movement) is…Clean & Jerk
-My most frequent class I come to is…6pm…”Let’s go 6pm!”
-I have always wanted to…Go bike touring in Europe & Japan.
-When I’m not crushing weights, my favorite thing to do is…Eat….which subsequently leads to more fitness.
-If I could make ANY of the Behemoth coaches do 100 burpees it would be...Coach Jonathan…the guy is a dynamo and I have yet to see him break!
-Favorite “application of fitness” outside of the gym is…I’ve done a fair bit of long-distance hiking and will one day do the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail).
-Favorite band/genre/Pandora station to workout to is…80’s music…duh!
-Beast mode engaged when this song comes on…Old School – Eye of the Tiger by Survivor